
Forwarding Valuation

+48 500 255 000

Alkev Forwarding Europe

International Shipping

We invite you to make use of our Alkev international freight forwarding services. Thanks to our experience and commitment, we are able to offer you comprehensive international transport solutions. Our company has extensive experience in handling international shipments. We offer sea, air and road transport in Europe and worldwide. As a result, we are able to tailor our services to the individual needs of each customer.

Our fleet consists of modern vehicles and containers, which are constantly monitored and kept in excellent condition. Our vehicles are equipped with the latest technology, allowing us to track them at every stage of transport. Our specialists are knowledgeable and experienced in the customs regulations that are necessary for international trade. As a result, we are able to provide a professional service for customs clearance and minimise the time required for customs formalities.

Trust our company and take advantage of our international freight forwarding. We guarantee your satisfaction with our services and competitive prices. Contact us today for more information and to place your order!

Alkev Forwarding Poland

National Forwarding

Zapraszamy do skorzystania z usług naszej firmy Alkev w zakresie międzynarodowej spedycji. Dzięki naszemu doświadczeniu i zaangażowaniu jesteśmy w stanie zaoferować Państwu kompleksowe rozwiązania w zakresie transportu międzynarodowego. Nasza firma posiada bogate doświadczenie w obsłudze przesyłek międzynarodowych. Oferujemy transport morski, lotniczy oraz drogowy w Europie i na świecie. Dzięki temu, jesteśmy w stanie dopasować nasze usługi do indywidualnych potrzeb każdego klienta.

Nasza flota składa się z nowoczesnych samochodów oraz kontenerów, które są stale monitorowane i utrzymywane w doskonałym stanie. Nasze pojazdy są wyposażone w najnowsze technologie, co pozwala nam na śledzenie ich na każdym etapie transportu. Nasi specjaliści posiadają wiedzę oraz doświadczenie w zakresie przepisów celnych, które są konieczne w międzynarodowym handlu. Dzięki temu, jesteśmy w stanie zapewnić profesjonalną obsługę przy odprawie celnej i minimalizować czas potrzebny na formalności celne.

We invite you to make use of our Alkev international freight forwarding services. Thanks to our experience and commitment, we are able to offer you comprehensive international transport solutions. Our company has extensive experience in handling international shipments. We offer sea, air and road transport in Europe and worldwide. As a result, we are able to tailor our services to the individual needs of each customer.

Our fleet consists of modern vehicles and containers, which are constantly monitored and kept in excellent condition. Our vehicles are equipped with the latest technology, allowing us to track them at every stage of transport. Our specialists are knowledgeable and experienced in the customs regulations that are necessary for international trade. As a result, we are able to provide a professional service for customs clearance and minimise the time required for customs formalities.

Trust our company and take advantage of our international freight forwarding. We guarantee your satisfaction with our services and competitive prices. Contact us today for more information and to place your order!

Forwarding Valuation

+48 500 255 000

International transport

Transport of Goods Throughout Europe

Your parcels will arrive at their destination on time and in perfect condition. We offer competitive prices and a flexible approach to each customer’s individual needs. Take advantage of our services and find out that transport across Europe can be simple and convenient!

ADR Road Transport

Our company has specially adapted vehicles that meet all the required norms and safety standards. We provide our drivers with regular training in the transport of hazardous materials, so you can be sure that your consignments will be transported safely and in compliance with the law.

Refrigerated Road Transport

Our company offers refrigerated transport services at the highest level. We have state-of-the-art vehicles with advanced cooling systems, which are able to maintain a stable temperature throughout the transport. Our fleet of vehicles meets all the requirements of safety norms and standards.


Forwarding Valuation

We warmly invite you to use our contact form. As soon as we receive your enquiry, we will contact you to discuss your shipping details.

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Transport and Forwarding



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